Enjoying our food aboard Circe
Cooking Aboard & Exploring Gems Ashore
Throughout our 33 year Corporate career, we were fortunate enough to live overseas 20+ years in 6 countries. We traveled to more than 30 countries in that timeframe and what we found is that we really enjoy not only eating, but also preparing international cuisine. While we enjoy the sailing, our real enjoyment lies in exploring what our ports of call offer in the form of restaurant gems. Whether it be new restaurants, hiking, diving, meeting people….so much of the world to explore.
If you have a desire to be a galley slave and work with us in preparing a meal, you can have the appreciation of cooking in our galley – and to test the waters before buying your own boat if that is your desire.
The Circe galley is small which is the intention of blue water sailing yachts, as you don’t want to be tossed about a galley while at sea.
Typical Breakfasts

Typically we let everyone help themselves to breakfast on their own from what is aboard. We always try to have fresh seasonal produce as well as fresh pastries from a local bakery when available. Otherwise if at anchor, nothing like fresh granola and oat/almond milk, hot oatmeal and coffee and/or cocoa.
Typical Lunches
The lunches aboard are typically prepared while underway, or at anchorage. Most often when in port, we like to experiment with the local dishes while hiking/riding around the island. Again, we like to eat healthily, so often a soup and/or salad/fresh fruit are the norm for the afternoon.

Typical Dinners

We bring together the dinner to celebrate a hard day’s work. Often dinner is eaten at the table below, however, if it is a nice evening, we like to enjoy dinner in the cockpit Our menu typically centers around what we find fresh in the local towns. But not to fear, we always have a satisfying end of day meal!