Click on the following link for more information on Hallberg Rassy and specifically the Hallberg Rassy 48: Hallberg Rassy 48 Mk1
What’s in a name? Circe – The Greek Goddess of Sorcery

When we first found Circe, its German owners pronounced her name ” KIR-kah”, but confessed that they faced difficulties with this pronunciation vis-a-vis her spelling. As English speakers, we always referred to her as Circe (SEER-see), understanding that the vessel was named after the minor Greek goddess of sorcery. We had been bandying about many name for our boat when we found Circe. But when we signed the purchase contract on a Friday the 13th, we decided not to tempt the fates with a name change. Also, we actually liked her name!
Today, most people think she is named after the Game of Thrones character Cersei, but the truth is, out of a little bit of tongue-in-cheek superstition and a bit of fun, we kept her name. She is a Greek Goddess of sorcery and is often described as having long flowing tresses, which we incorporated into our Circe logo as a single line flowing from her profile to the hull of the boat.